Our Information Evening at the end of June will give you lots of information about our school uniform. You will also receive full details of this in the initial welcome information that is sent out to you.
It is important that all items of clothing are labelled with your child's full name. As you can imagine, items can easily become mixed up when we are getting changed for P.E, so it is always helpful if you have labelled your child's uniform with their name. Cardigans and jumpers are often taken off when the weather is warmer so again, it is really helpful if you can ensure that these are labelled with your child's name.
If your child has long hair, we request that this is tied back for school. Hair bobbles and accessories should be in navy/white so as to match with our school uniform.
Earrings can be worn but they need to be studs. They also need to be taken out before your child comes to school on P.E days. We will let you know which days your child has P.E when they start with us in September.
Sweatshirts and cardigans are navy blue. You can purchase these with the school logo but this is optional. In addition, school trousers, skirts and pinafores need to be navy blue.
Polo-shirts are plain white, again you can purchase these with the school logo but this is optional.
School shoes need to be black and we request that these are not trainers.
For P.E, your child will need navy/black coloured shorts with a plain white t-shirt. Again, you can purchase this with the school logo if you wish. Plain black school pumps are to be worn (not Converse-style). These items should be sent into school in a drawstring bag to be stored on your child's peg. P.E kits are sent home at the end of each half-term.
Your child will also need a school book bag to carry their reading book, homework and any other items each day. There are many different types available but the rectangular type tend to fit well into your child's drawer in class.
Your child will also need to bring a coat to school each day.