Wednesday 24th June
Wonderful Wednesday!
Hello Everyone!
Today is Maths Challenge Day!
First of all, please try to make sure that you are practising your NumBots if you haven’t already. If you need a login reminder, please contact me at school and I will pass this onto you again.
Your Maths Challenge today is all about 3-D shapes. I wonder how many you can find at home? Have a look around…will you find tins in the shape of cylinders? Are there any cuboid cereal boxes? What shape is your fridge? I wonder if you can find any spheres in your fruit bowl?
If you’ve finished this challenge, why not draw what you’ve found and create a chart to show how many of each 3-D shape that you managed to spot?
There is also a lovely 3-D shapes activity that you can access by clicking on the link below. This is from White Rose Maths and is also hyperlinked at the bottom of this week’s Learning Project.
Have a fun day!
Mrs. Powell