Frequently Asked Questions
Here are a few questions that are often asked but please just let us know if there is anything else that we can help with.
Can my child bring a water bottle to school?
Yes. Please send your child with a water bottle each day filled with plain bottled or tap water. Flavoured water/juice shouldn't be used please. Please ensure that you label your child's water bottle with their name as sometimes more than one child in the class has an identical bottle and mix ups may otherwise happen!
Can my child bring a packed lunch?
Yes. You will need to let the School Office know. It is school policy, however, that sweets and fizzy drinks are not sent in as part of the packed lunch.
How do I choose my child's school meals?
Information will be sent to you from the School Office nearer to when your child starts school but please let us know if you have any questions in the meantime. You will receive a menu and from this you will be able to select your child's meal choices via an electronic system known as Parent Pay. Meal choices rotate on a three-week basis.
Does my child need to bring a snack each day?
No. Your child will receive a piece of fruit every day to have with their milk in class. If your child prefers, they can have water from their water bottle instead of milk. Children have bagels or toast every morning when they arrive.
Do I need to send my child with a coat every day?
Yes. We would like all children to bring a coat to school every day even if the weather appears sunny when you set off for school in the morning. As you will be aware, our climate can be somewhat unpredictable at times and as we spend time outside every day, it is always best to be prepared!
Does my child need wellington boots?
We do take part in Forest School sessions periodically throughout the year and wellington boots can be useful for these. However, we will always let you know well in advance of these sessions so you can then send these into school as and when they are required.