Tuesday 23rd June
Today is Terrific Tuesday!
Hello to you all and I hope that you are looking forward to a new day of learning.
Today is Science Day and I have some lovely activities for you based on the TTS Early Years pack. For ease of reference, I have attached this below:
Take a look on page 15. There is a lovely Feely Bag and Treasure Hunt activity for you to have a go at. The Feely Bag activity involves hiding an object or material in the bag. You then have to close your eyes and guess what the other person has hidden! Try to describe it using texture words such as rough, smooth, soft, hard, furry or bumpy.
The Treasure Hunt activity encourages you to become a detective around your home! Can you find things that are made of metal. Are all metals magnetic? How do you know? Could you create a treasure map with hidden treasure at the end?
A final activity on this page is to search for natural and manmade materials. Maybe you could do this on your daily walk?
I know you will be Super Scientists today so have fun exploring and I’ll check in with you on tomorrow’s daily update!
Mrs. Powell