All children at St. Stephen’s C.E. Primary School are valued as individuals and every effort is made to identify and support those requiring additional help or expertise. Special arrangements are made for pupils with a special educational need and disability. Pupils’ progress is closely monitored and parents are kept well informed. The Governing Body seeks to ensure that children with a special educational need and disability receive the appropriate provision.
Our special needs provision is organised in line with the staged process of the ‘Special Needs Code of Practice’ that involves school working in partnership with pupil, parents or carers, a variety of external agencies and the Local Authority. Pupils identified under Code of Practice on the identification and assessments of a Special Educational Need and Disability are given differentiated work / support as appropriate. Exceptionally able pupils are provided with more stimulating and challenging tasks. Support and specialist help can be provided in school by any of the following: SEND Service; School Psychologist; Educational Welfare Officer; and/or Social Services.
We aim to ensure that every child has access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum at the appropriate level in terms of the National Curriculum. We also try to ensure that there is a supportive environment with an atmosphere of encouragement, tolerance and sensitivity with respect for achievement and value for the individual.
Children with a special educational need and disability are an important concern and we endeavour to provide support for these children. Most of this support is provided in the classroom in order that all pupils have access to the same broad curriculum. Support may also be provided by some withdrawal for intensive assistance in particular subjects e.g. reading or writing.
Further details of our provision for children with a Special Educational Need and Disability (SEND) may be obtained from Miss Lauren Hindle, SENDCo and Mrs Clare Woodcock, SEN Consultant / Specialist Teacher.