Weekly homework tasks:
- Daily reading at home (home reading book) to an adult
- Spellings (tested weekly)
- TT Rockstars
Daily reading: Your child will receive a home reading book and record. Please hear your child read at home on a regular basis (ideally 5-10 minutes every day) and sign their reading record. When your child has finished their book, they need to hand it in to Mrs Turnbull or Miss Payne who will change it.
Spellings: We use the No Nonsense Spelling scheme in school. We will be learning words in class that follow a particular pattern/rule. These words, along with a range of others, including Year 5 and 6 statutory words will be tested each week on a Friday. The words and test dates for each week are in the spelling booklets which will be sent home at the end of the first week. Some children may receive alternative words dependent on individual needs.
TT Rockstars / times tables: Please encourage your child to learn all of the times tables (up to 12x12) and their related division facts. This will help your child in several aspects of mathematics. All children have been give a login for Times Table Rock Stars but please feel free to practise in whichever way you feel suits your child.