Class Information
The staff involved with teaching your children this year are:
Mrs Pate- Year 2 class teacher/Deputy Headteacher/Keystage 1 leader
Mr Smart-Sport specialist (Wednesday p.m and Friday p.m)
Mrs Townend-Leadership time cover/PPA (Tuesday p.m/Wednesday p.m/Friday p.m)
Mrs O'Brien- TA
Mrs Townend-HLTA
Miss Chadburn-TA
Home / School Reading
Reading books will be changed on a Monday and a Thursday, however please ensure that your child brings their reading book and record to school daily.
Children will have the opportunity to change their library book weekly.
Year 2 has P.E. on a Wednesday afternoon and Friday afternoon. On P.E. days, long hair has to be tied back and jewellery has to be removed, including earrings. (Full PE kit to be kept in school at all times).
In Key Stage 1 the P.E. kit consists of a plain white t-shirt, blue/black shorts and trainers. We ask that all items are named as it makes it easier for the children to identify their own kit and when things do get mislaid it is easy to find the owner.