Friday 24th April
Good Morning Reception!
I have just been sat at home watching the birds in my garden. It was such a peaceful sight and made me really sit and appreciate the joys of nature. As my windows are open, I can also hear the birds singing, which is lovely.
I am missing you all and I'm sure that many of you are also missing your friends at school. Try to keep positive. Every day when I go for a walk near to my house, I am always uplifted by the sight of so many rainbows in the windows.
I understand how difficult things are right now but keep smiling and try to think of one thing that makes you happy each day. Every day, you could draw a picture of something new and then put your picture into a special jar or box. You This could be your Happiness Jar or Happiness Box and every time you feel that you need to smile, take out the things in here and reflect on the things that make you happy You could even decorate your jar or box and make it personal to you.
Enjoy the lovely sunshine and try to get outside if you can today.
Keep on smiling and if you are in need of a happy song today, sing the rhyme 'If you're happy and you know it"...
I'm sure you'll have everyone in your house clapping, stamping and nodding along with you in no time at all!
Enjoy your day and have a lovely weekend,
Mrs. Powell