Governing Body
Welcome to our Governors' section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.
Name | Category | Appointing body | Term of office | Committees | Positions/link/ responsibilities | Interests | |
Mr J. Hughes |
Foundation |
01.09.22 - 31.08.2026 |
Resources Standards and Effectiveness Pay Review
| Chair of Governors Mathematics Governor EYFS Governor LASGB Governor Computing Governor |
| |
Mr P. Walmsley | Foundation | DBE |
19.10.17 – 18. 10. 2025 | Resources Performance Management Pupil Disciplinary | Vice Chair of Governors Geography and Pupil Premium Governor |
| |
Mr D. Pounder | Local Authority | LCC | 21.11.2023-20.11.2027 | Resources Admissions | History Governor |
| |
Mrs V. Norwood | Foundation | DBE | 17.04.17 – 07.07.2023 | Standards and Effectiveness
| Design and Technology Governor Art and Design Governor |
| |
Mrs C Jackson | Foundation | DBE | TBC | ||||
Mr Orchard | Parent | Parental Election | 05.02.2024-04.02.2028 | Resources | Health and Safety Governor | Parent of Year 4 & 6 pupil | |
Mrs E Starr | Parent | Parental Election | 16.05.24 -15.05.28 | Standards and Effectiveness |
| Parent of Year 1 & Year 6 Child | |
B Hasty | Foundation | DBE | 23.11.21-22.11.2025 | SEN |
| ||
Mrs Turnbull | Staff | Staff | 10.07.2024 - 09.07.2028 | Standards and Effectiveness
| Year 4 teacher
| |
Mrs J. Roberts | | Headteacher | 09.04.2023 08.04.2027 |
Mrs C. Ford | Staff/Observer | 01.09.2022 - 31.08.2026 | |||||
Reverand A Holmes
| DBE | 20.02.23 - 19.02.2027 |
St. Stephen’s C.E. Primary School – Governors’ Sub-committees 2023-2024
Resources Committee Standards & Curriculum
Mr. P. Walmsley (Chair) Mrs J. Roberts
Mr. J. Hughes Mrs Turnbull
Mrs J. Roberts Mr J. Hughes (Chair)
Mr J. Gane Mrs V. Norwood
Mr D. Pounder Mrs Ashworth (O)
Mr Orchard Mrs B. Hasty
Mrs C.Ford (O)
Mrs Turnbull
Mrs Ashworth (O)
Admissions Committee Performance Management Committee
Mrs J. Roberts Mr P. Walsmley
Mr D Orchard Mr J. Hughes
Mr D. Pounder (Chair) Mrs V. Norwood
Pupil Disciplinary Pay Review Committee
Mr P. Walmsley
Mr D. Pounder Mr J.Hughes (Chair)
Pay Review Appeals Committee
*see note
Staffing Attendance/Review
& Discipline/Dismissal Staff Discipline/Dismissal Appeals
*see note *see note
Complaints/Grievance Committee Complaints/Grievance Appeals
*see note *see note
*To protect the integrity of the committees and the Head Teacher, any three governors with no prior knowledge of the content of the particular issue to be discussed at the time, may be asked to form any of the Ad Hoc committees.
Nominated Subject Governors 2024-25
Subject | Governor | Subject | Governor |
Mrs. B Hasty |
Geography/Pupil Premium |
Mr. Philip Walmsley |
Mr. John Hughes |
P.E. | Mr Orchard
Vacancy |
Computing / Online Safeguarding |
Mr John Hughes |
Design & Technology |
Mrs. Vanessa Norwood |
Art and Design
Mrs. Vanessa Norwood |
P.S.H.E. | Mr Orchard
Vacancy |
Able, Gifted & Talented |
Mrs. B Hasty |
Mr. David Pounder |
SEN/Safeguarding & CP |
Mrs. V Norwood |
Early Years Foundation Stage Governor
Mr. John Hughes |
MFL/Health & Safety |
Mr Orchard |
Chair of Governors Mr. John Hughes
Vice Chair Mr. Philip Walmsley
LASGB Governor Mr. John Hughes
Link Governor Mr. John Hughes