Friday 27th March
Good Morning Reception!
I am working from home today and am currently sat looking out into my garden. What a lovely day once more! I hope that you have managed to enjoy the sunshine at home this week.
With it being such a lovely day, I thought that you might appreciate a few outdoor learning challenges to have a go at...
Phonics Treasure Hunt
Choose a selection of the following sounds:
qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er
Write each sound that you have chosen on a separate piece of paper.
Ask a grown up to hide these in the garden for you.
Now have fun finding them! You could set yourself a timer- how many will you find in one minute etc? Every time you find a sound, make sure you say it and to add an extra element of fun, could you do five star jumps whilst chanting the sound that you have found? A bit of P.E here for you then as well!
Number Formation
If you can take this outside into your garden or similar, that'd be great!
If you have any old paintbrushes at home, could you ask a grown up to fill a container with water and have a go at 'water painting' your numerals from 0-20 outside?
With the permission of an adult at home, if you have any coloured chalk, you might wish to practise writing your numbers outside.
Alternatively, back inside you can still practise your number formation but could challenge yourself and see how many you can correctly form in 5 minutes!
Don't forget to let me know how you get on with any of the above by sending photos to:
NumBots is a new interactive Maths App for Reception. I am currently exploring it as well and it looks fantastic! Make sure you have fun exploring this at home if you can!
Take care!
Mrs Powell