Tuesday 30th June
Today is Science Day!
Mrs. Pate has been posting a weekly Science Question on the school Facebook Page.
Her recent question has been 'Does the human body have over 500 bones?'
I wonder if you can find out the answer?
She has also given us a Science Fact.
Did you know that rabbits and parrots can see behind themselves without even moving their heads?
Your Science Challenge for today is taken from TTS Early Years.
Here is the link:
Take a look at pages 16 and 17 of the TTS Early Years Pack.
The theme is 'Incy Wincy Spider'.
There are some fun spider facts- I was certainly amazed!
You may wish to research spiders at home and create your own fact sheet.
The Science this week also relates well to Art as there is a fabulous spider making craft activity to have a go at.
You might even create your own webs using string, wool or paper!
Don't forget to let me see some of your lovely work.
The email to send this into is photos@st-stephens-pri.lancs.sch.uk
Enjoy your day!
Mrs. Powell