Learning Project for 15th June
Hello Reception!
Here is this week's Learning Project for you:
This week's theme is all about Sport and there are lots of exciting activities to complete. I particularly liked listening to the story of 'Peppa Pig's Sports Day'. There is a video link to this on the Learning Project.
There are also some lovely prepositions activities in Maths. You can listen to the Bear Hunt story and talk about the journey using words such as 'under', 'over' and 'next to'. Don't forget to have a go with NumBots as well and see if you can move your way through the activities.
For Phonics, there is a link to the interactive 'Phonics Pop' game or you also have Oxford Owl eBooks to practise your sounds. You also have some Weekly Phonics Words- just go back to 'Home Learning Activities' on our Reception Class page and scroll down to the 'Weekly Words' section.
Just as a reminder, the Oak National Academy have daily lessons for you.
Here is the link:
Don't forget about the 'Lancashire Music Service Virtual Big Sing' as well.
I have posted some information on our main class page but the link is here:
Look out for our Daily Updates on the class page and have a lovely week.
Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Rennolds and Mrs. Starr