Learning Project for 8th June
Here is your Learning Project for this week.
It is entitled 'Under the Sea' and my favourite part is the story of 'The Snail and the Whale'.
There is a lovely story to enjoy and lots of related activities.
There is a themed Maths challenge- I have attached the link below. This challenge is based around the story of 'The Snail and the Whale' and it is mentioned in your Learning Project under 'White Rose Maths'.
Why not have a go at creating your own under the sea pictures this week? We'd love to see them so please send any of your pictures into photos@st-stephens-pri.lancs.sch.uk
Don't forget to check your Weekly Words. You'll find these by going back to the main 'Home Learning Activities' section of our class page and scrolling down.
Have a fun week and look out for our daily updates on the class page.
Thank you!
Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Rennolds and Mrs. Starr
NB: The Learning Project is dated as 27th April but please disregard the date at the top of the sheets. This is the correct project that we are using for the week. Thank you.