Remote Learning at St Stephen's - everything you need to know.
Updated DfE Advice
We would like to draw your attention to the following important information.
The DFE have provided updated advice and guidance to help parents and carers to keep children safe online during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Changes have recently been made. There is also new information on apps to help children stay safe online.
R.E. home learning resources
The Blackburn Diocesan Board of Education has produced some new and exciting resources for home learning linked to the "Off the Shelf" picture posts.
The idea is that children can choose any picture they find interesting to look at and discuss. They follow this by reading one of the two suggested Bible stories/text. They can then explore the story, its meaning and impact through a variety of activities that are of course ‘Questful’!
The resources contain activities that are suitable for children in Y1 – Y6 .The children can decide which activity suits them best. This hopefully makes the resource all age/family friendly and therefore can be enjoyed by siblings together.
Miss Mitchell
Summer Term "Newsletter" - Home Learning Update
Summer Term 2020
We hope you all had a lovely Easter holiday and managed to enjoy some sunshine and quality time with your family.
As you will know, school remains closed for now. Teachers will continue to update their class web pages with information about how to access home learning for your children. We are still following the Robin Hood MAT Learning Projects but will update you with any further ideas once we have explored some of the different options available.
If you are running out of reading material, you can sign up to Oxford Owl for FREE! This allows you access to free e-reading books, some of which we use in school such as Floppy Phonics, Oxford Reading Tree and Treetops. There are also lots of other activities available through Oxford Owl, covering a range of subjects. https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk
If you have any general queries or questions about home learning, please ring school or email: bursar@st-stephens-pri.lancs.sch.uk
For pastoral support and safeguarding please call: 07564044278
Thank you and take care.
We have spoken with the families of our key worker children and vulnerable groups to offer Easter holiday childcare. The children will access Giant Leap childcare provision and this will be funded by the school. They are not open on the Bank Holidays so we will open school for those keyworker and vulnerable children that need it. Please note that school will be completely closed during the Easter holidays except for the Bank Holiday Monday and Friday for specific children. If you need to contact a member of staff in an emergency for well-being or pastoral issues then please ring the number on the home page.
Thank you and please stay safe.
Mrs Roberts
Please keep checking our facebook page where they will be opportunities for daily worship and communication from Blackburn Diocese. Bishop Philip has produced weekly videos for you to access during lent.
Thank you
Useful Book Link
A book has been released to explain Coronavirus to primary aged children, using the familiar sketching of Axel Scheffler who illustrated the popular children's book, 'The Gruffalo'.
Please click below in order to access it...
Hello Everyone!
Click the video links below to join us for our virtual Story Time sessions...
Mrs. Roberts has chosen to read 'Spider Sandwiches' and 'Elmer and the Wind'.
We hope that you enjoy listening to them.
Spider Sandwiches
Elmer and the Wind
Home Learning
In the event of school closures or your child requiring self -isolation we will be using a range of learning resources. Paper learning packs will be provided for those children who do not have access to technology at home. Please ensure that you contact the school ASAP - these are ready to be sent home now from the school office.
We will be using online resources which have been produced by Robin Hood Multi Academy Trust. This seems to be a very clear and thorough programme of study which covers a seven week period for all age ranges.
The materials include a parental overview and lots of useful links to other sites. The weekly overviews are organised as projects and each week has a different theme.
Please also refer to the class webpages where the teachers (providing they are fit and well) will provide regular updates for you. TT Rockstars will still be accessible. If for any reason we end up being closed long term then the teachers will provide direction from the class webpage. Please see additional websites below which will support learning.
The link to these resources is as follows:
We have the permission of Robin Hood MAT and we are very grateful, thank you.
Year 6
Mr Gane has set up Google Classroom as a home school link. This will provide additional revision materials in preparation for the end of KS2 statutory assessments (SATs). The link on how to access Google Classroom is below. Our class code is: fiovrge
Thank you.
Google Classroom - Year 6
Below you will find the links to the Twinkl learning packs that have been sent home as a 'paper' copy for home learning. If your child completes the weekly work that is set then you can access these resources through the links below and locate 'home learning packs'. There are also some other websites for home learning. Facebook is also advertising some live feeds which cover PE, Art, Phonics, Music etc.