Your child will have a home reading book and this will be changed weekly. We send home books to coincide with your child's phonics learning in class and provide texts based around specific graphemes.
We will use the electronic learning platform, Seesaw, to set a weekly homework task every Friday. This will be a Phonics Activity based on our learning in class. This will give you the opportunity to extend this learning further at home with your child. There will also be mathematical or topic-based learning activities set during the half term- these will be play-based and practical.
If you are unsure of your child's Seesaw login, please ask and we will gladly help you with this.
Seesaw is also a lovely way to share your child's achievements or family activities from home. I will then add these to your child's Learning Journey Book at school so as to show their special moments and memories.
A half termly Learning Log project will also be set each half term.
You can find details of these in the Learning Logs section of our Class Page.