Wednesday 29th April
Good Morning Reception!
Hope you are all well.
I went for a lovely walk yesterday. There are some woods near to my house and there were lots of bluebells everywhere. It looked like an enormous blue carpet!
If you are out near to your house today, why not see what flowers you can spot?
My walk into the woods made me think of the story of Goldilocks. I noticed on the Oak National Academy, there was a link to this story:
If you enjoyed the story, why not see if you can have a go at any of the following activities; all of which are entirely optional:
1) Writing a sorry message from Goldilocks to the Three Bears
2) Pretending that you are the Three Bears and have decided to invite Goldilocks for breakfast again. Can you design and write a new menu?
3)Can you design and make a new chair for Baby Bear or a bed for Goldilocks? Use any junk modelling resources that you have at home.
Remember that I'd love to see any photos of your learning.
Please send these into
Have a lovely day!