Pastoral support and phone numbers for families
What's on for families?
Lancashire County Council Events Break Time short break activities - Lancashire County Council DSL/ Family Liaison Ongoing
Activities for under 12s - Burnley HAF - Fun Food and Friends Burnley HAF – Fun Food and Friends
At St Stephen's we have a food bank and a clothes bank for families that would like to access it. We have a coffee drop in session after celebration worship on a Friday where you can visit The Ark and have a coffee, meet other parents and access support from our Pastoral Manager Mrs Cox and our play therapist/counsellor Tina Fishwick.
Early Help
Early help aims for agencies to work together to provide support as soon as problems emerge. This is because tackling a problem early can be the best way to help. Early help can also be provided to stop problems from getting worse. Education (schools, nurseries), housing, and health services are all examples of agencies.
Early help can be given to a family with a child up to age 18. So, the child may be a baby, toddler, at primary school or a teenager.
Early help is voluntary. It is support that can only be given if the parent or carer agrees.
Social workers are not involved in early help assessments or providing early help services. But sometimes social workers ask early help services to support children and families they are working with.
See our Early help page for more information.